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The St. Charles Borromeo Conference of St. Vincent DePaul is deeply grateful for the support we received for the Friends of the Poor Walk!  We were blessed with a day that was cool, but not cold and was cloudy but not raining!  For the first time since we began walking with our Christian neighbors here in Hampshire, we had over 100 walkers just from SCB!  There was a very joyful spirit at Seyller Park that day!   We are grateful for the generosity of all those who donated to the walk.  We are also grateful for the businesses in the area who supported the walk with cash donations or gift cards and prizes for the raffle.  Many parishioners contributed baskets to be raffled as well.  And, of course, we had the beautiful quilt made by Jan Bray and donated by her husband in her memory.  We had the assistance of three very capable young ladies who chose to help with the walk as their Confirmation service.  In addition to members of our conference,  several SCB parishioners assisted with set up and clean up, registration, and the sale of raffle tickets.  Because of this generous response, our conference will be able to assist many friends in need in our area.   Thank you!

SCB Daily Calendar Drawing Winners


Please click the link below to see current and past winners of the St. Charles Borromeo Calendar winners.

Parish Office Closing

The Parish Office will be closed Tuesday October 1st and Wednesday October 2nd for a staff retreat. 

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Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of theSon and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.' Amen.”

~Matthew 28:18-20~

Fun in Faith Youth Ministry

 Youth Ministry

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Click the link below to see previous bulletins. 

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The mission of the National Eucharistic Revival is to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. This revival movement is in answer to a call by the Holy Spirit, and all the fruits belong to him. 

To learn more, please visit

*All imagery came from the Eucharistic Revival website under Press Section.*

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