St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Hampshire, Il
Catechist Bio's

Kay Nelson
Sacraments Class
I grew up on a farm in Maytown, IL. St. Patrick’s church was the center of our community and the center of our family life. I graduated from Newman Central Catholic High School in Sterling, IL, received my bachelor’s degree from the College of St. Francis in Joliet, IL, and my Masters in Education from Nazareth College in Rochester, NY. Deacon John and I have been married 58 years. We have 4 children and 10 grandchildren.
From the time I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher. I taught 1st grade through 4th grade in public schools in Illinois, California, New York, and Connecticut. For over 50 years I have taught in Religious Education programs in those same states. Since moving from New York to Illinois in 2007, I have taught the Sacraments class at SCB. This class is a bit different every year as it prepares students for sacraments they have not received at the “usual” times. Over the years I have prepared students from 3rd grade to senior in high school for Baptism, Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. I also serve on the Family Faith Committee.
My husband and I are active members of the SCB conference of St. Vincent DePaul and for 5 years I have been part of the planning group for the Friends of the Poor Walk, our biggest fund raiser. He and I also prepare engaged couples for marriage. My most recent ministry has been at the nursing home where my brother is a resident. Twice a month I do a communion service for the Catholic residents. I have fallen in love with this ministry. People who are physically unable to attend Mass at their church are hungry for the Eucharist and being part of a a small faith community at the nursing home.
Deacon John and I have had the joy of traveling all over the world over the years. We have enjoyed trips with our grandchildren as well. Now we love our two month escape from winter at the beach in Florida.

Mary Galyon
Sacraments Class
I have had the privilege of growing up in Hampshire. I attended Saint Charles Borromeo as a student and received most of my sacraments at the parish.
In 2004, I graduated from Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana with a degree in elementary education and moved back to Hampshire. At that time, I started my career in education as a teacher in District 300. While I've bounced between schools and roles over the years, my love and passion for teaching has remained strong. I enjoy helping students master the art of reading and watching kids gain confidence in themselves as learners.
In 2012, I married my husband in our beautiful church and in the years following, I baptized all three of my children at Saint Charles Borromeo. We were a Family Faith Formation family until we moved our children to Saint Charles Borromeo School in 2024. After being a Family Faith Formation participant for 7 years, I made the choice to join the program and marry my two passions: education and the Catholic Faith. I feel incredibly blessed and honored to help children grow in their faith and look forward to many more years with the Saint Charles Borromeo community!

My name is Rachel Hayes! I am an application engineer working for Flender Corporation where I size gearboxes for heavy machinery. I recently got married this year and have enjoyed getting to pick up new hobbies. I have been part of St. Charles Borromeo my whole life and am part of several ministries. These ministries include being a: Eucharistic minister, choir member, greeter, volunteer for Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive, and an RE teacher. This will be my tenth year teaching religious education! I have really enjoyed teaching the youth about their faith and can't wait to continue this journey!
Rachel Hayes
Catechesis of the Good Shepard

My name is Tricia Stalker. I have been helping with teaching religious education for several years and I am excited for another school year with my sister Nikki to be teaching the 1st grade students! I am an Assistant Project Manager for Burns & McDonnell and lived in Hampshire all my life. I was born and raised in the SCB parish and just got married here a few weeks ago! I look forward to meeting all our new students and cannot wait to help them grow in their faith!
Tricia Stalker
1st Grade

Hi my name is Jenny and I have been teaching RE for 11 years, with this upcoming year being my 12th year in the program. I have been very fortunate to teach alongside my cousin Becky throughout that time where we started off teaching 4th grade and then moved to 5th grade for a number of those years. Just last year we were asked to switch things up a bit and taught 2nd grade. This year we will both be returning to teach 2nd grade again and we are very excited for the opportunity to do so. Teaching RE has been one of the most fulfilling experiences that I could have ever asked for. It always amazes me how much I learn from the kids each and every year. I also love being able to help the kids grow stronger in their faith and gain a better relationship with God. I look forward to teaching the kids all about the sacraments that they will be receiving this year and to be part of all the joy and excitement that they will share when receiving them too.
Jenny Beeber
2nd Grade

My name is Nikki Dumoulin and I have been teaching for 7 years between 1st and 3rd grade. I enjoy working with kids by helping them learn more about their faith. I currently work at Custom Aluminum Products as an engineering estimator. In my free time, I enjoy working on my family pig farm.
Nikki Dumoulin
1st Grade

Hi! My name is Becky Dumoulin and this year is my 11th year teaching religious education! I have taught 4th and 5th grade and will be teaching 2nd grade again this year with my cousin Jenny. I recently graduated NIU in December with my Bachelors degree, and am currently working at Central Middle School as a Special Education teacher. I am super excited about this year and I am ready to help the 2nd graders prepare for their faith journey.
Becky Dumoulin
2nd Grade

My wife Carol and I have been parishioners at St. Charles Borromeo for 45 years. We have two grown sons. Mark and Andy that both attended SCB grade school. I have been teaching religious education at SCB for 17 years and I truly enjoy sharing my faith with my students. I try to instill in each student the importance of loving God and keeping Him in the center of their life with daily prayer and the sacraments.
Len Oleferchik
3rd Grade

My name is Peggy Shannon, I will be your child’s Catechist this year 21-22 in Family Faith formation. I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little about myself. I was raised in Wheaton Illinois, the 10th child of 13. I am married, and have 4 adult children, 12, grandchildren, and just retired from a 31 year nursing career. I have been a member of SCB parish since 1999 when we moved to Hampshire. I have been a religious ed. teacher for about 30 years on and off, ranging from primary grades, confirmation, and RCIA. I love sharing our rich Catholic Faith with the future generations. I am proud and honored to be a part of your family’s faith journey.
Peggy Shannon
4th Grade

Keith and Noreen Larson
5th Grade
Keith and Norreen are seasoned Catechists and are a dynamic duo in the classroom. This year they are teaching the 5th grade and really enjoy and engage in the class. They are a blessing to our parish!

Alex has been a part of the Religious Education program in a teaching role for over 15 years. Her sister, Michelle, and she have been tag teaming when it comes to teaching since the beginning of their catechist career at SCB - starting in Kindergarten. Currently, they teach the Youth Ministry & Year 1 Confirmation class.
Alex is the second oldest of ten kids and the third oldest of numerous grandchildren. Alex graduated with her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering at Northern Illinois University. She currently works as an engineering manager for an aluminum extrusion company, where she oversees the development process of extrusion projects and manages the design department of the company. In her spare time, Alex enjoys spending time with her family and her dogs, helping out on the family farm, playing sand volleyball, and picking up a conversation with whomever she may come across. She is also very involved in her church and serves on several committees. She really enjoys this ministry as she has a passion for teaching kids about the Catholic faith.
Alex Dumoulin
Middle School