St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Hampshire, Il
Capital Campaign
Our church serves as a symbol of fidelity to Christ's call to carry on His mission of evangelizing the hearts and minds of people. We have a faith community that is full of goodness, rich in spirituality and welcoming to all. At this time in history, we have a unique opportunity to partake in the building of a new church. With Christ as the center of everything we do, we rely on our faith in God and our devotion to the Eucharist as we continue in our mission to serve Him through His church.
Our Pathway to Our Future -
On Sunday, September 27, 2009, we held a very special ceremony on the property of our new church - our first official groundbreaking ceremony. This groundbreaking ceremony is making the pathway and driveway to our new church property possible. Click on the link to view the progress.
The Capital Campaign Committee members are:
Dominick Cocciemiglio, Jr. - Chairperson
Steve Bielejeski
Patricia Dumoulin
Donna Gnuechtel
Pat Jachec
Steve Jerger
Ginny Kissamis
Jeanie Mayer
Beth Shepley
Alma Stark